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Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday!! One week of leave complete

It has been a very busy week and I have done a lot. I am getting to the point where I can paint. I might paint the kitchen tomorrow and do some of the touch-ups. I've got to finish putting up the rest of the smoke detectors, I'll do that today. I just finished packing up my workout room and my clothes/junk in the bedroom. I probably did a little more than I should have but at least it is done.

David is taking me to a Chamber of Commerce dinner tonight so that should be fun. We had to go last night and by him a suit jacket. He was going to go without one but I thought he would stick out and he can always use it in the future.

I've worked on the pillow a little. I don't think I did the border the correct number. I actually did it too big so I will have to add an extra material to make it look good. It will be modified log cabin pattern.

I started a new term at school and I decided to drop one of the classes, I think I just have too much going on right now and won't have time for both of them. I am going to have my surgery 18 May so that works out really well for the move and getting the folks in the rental. Hopefully, next term I will be retired and will have more time to take the two courses.

Well, I am off to look for nail holes to fill :) Life is Good.

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