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Saturday, April 21, 2012


I haven't posted in a couple days because I was having trouble getting the binding done on the green chenille baby blanket and finally went to JoAnn's and got some extra material to cut a new binding. I had been trying to use the packaged prepared binding but it just didn't work out. I finished it up last night and washed it. It turned out okay I had to trim a few of the strips and I washed it again and now I think it looks pretty good.

Today, I started working on the blue chenille baby blanket. I am showing it here in the sewing machine. I stitched rows on half of it tonight and hoping to get the other half sewn tomorrow and maybe get to cut the rows. It is going much faster this time around, I have overcome the learning curve.

Jack went to the prom tonight, he looked so handsome in his suit. His date's name is Shauna. I loaned him my car to drive tonight, hopefully it comes back in with out any new scratches or dents. They went to a fancy place for dinner and he texted me to say it cost $75! After the prom the have an after prom at one of the churches and I think they will change clothes before they go. I think he said they have carnival rides there. Too bad it turned off cold today. It will be cold night to be on the rides.

I knew it would turn out yucky for the weekend. The weather was beautiful all week and turned out cold and rainy today. We even had to turn the heater back on. I went and had reflexology done today. I've been going about every two weeks. It is so relaxing and feels so good. Other than that I have been working on the blue quilt and cleaning my room up. My friend Melissa will be coming over tomorrow to work on her quilt. She comes on Sundays sometimes when her little ones go down for their naps. Gives her a little time away and time to actually get some work done.

Jack just came in to change his clothes and he is headed to the after prom. He said they had a really good time.

I'll post some more pictures of my progress tomorrow.

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