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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Working on the new business website

Well, the last few nights I have been working on my consulting website on Go Daddy! It has been very frustrating, seems like I get it just right and then I mess something up and it all goes funky. I don't know what I am doing wrong, I think I need a building website for dummies book. I am attaching the logo for the company. My friend made it nice for me. I will post the link as soon as I get it actually posted.

The house is finally getting worked on. David put the lights up and the new vanity cabinets. I worked on my closet putting things away and I also worked on getting the kitchen set up a little better. We have to go to Lowe's and order the microwave cabinet. David bought the doors for Jack's room so I imagine he will put those up during the week. He also sold his old lawn mower on Craig's List. We also have the refrigerator and the portable basketball hoop, and the old range. I need to take some pictures when things start looking neater.

I am feeling really good from my surgery. I just get a little tired when I work too much. But a nap is always nice. I am going to try to get the craft room done tomorrow so I can start working on some crafts. I can't work when things are messy.

Speaking of messy, I need to clean up around my chair and I got some strawberries to make shortcake so I need to do that too.

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