Sunday, April 28, 2013

Retreat Prep

I've been busy this weekend getting ready for retreat. Melissa is flying in Wednesday night and we head out Thursday morning. We are going to go to a couple of shops in Indiana and then go to the retreat. The show time for retreat is 1:30 so we have time to do a little shopping before hand. I am going to take a couple of projects that are gifts for some people who read the blog so you won't see the pictures until I've given the gift. I am taking several things though because you never know what you want to work on once you are there. Clarinda and I went to JoAnn's yesterday to pick up a few things for the trip. We had 25% off our entire purchase so we had to spend that yesterday. I thought of a few more things I need this morning so I am going to run out there when they open. I had an interview for a job in Sacramento this week. They contacted all of my references and from what I hear they are really interested in me. I am trying not to get too excited because anything can happen and I may not get the offer. I really hope it goes through though. I finished the wedding bed runner this week and gave it and the pillows to JoAnn. She really loved it. It was the colors of her bedroom and she had been looking for a bed runner and hadn't found one she liked, so it all turned out well! Here are the final pictures of that project. Here is a picture of Marley trying to sleep, she is so cute!

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